Integration pathway with a focus on work integration and work-life balance, aiming for the best possible integration and prevention of re-trafficking.


The Project:

The project aims to contribute to the better integration of girls and women with third-country nationalities who have survived Sex trafficking. The intent is to prevent re-trafficking through transnationally coordinated empowerment and tailored programs focusing on job placement and measures for work-life balance to facilitate long-term integration solutions.

Project Title:

NET-WORKS - To ensure the long term integration of Third-Country Nationals Survivors of Trafficking promoting job opportunities and work- life balance measures

Goal: Best possible work integration and prevention of re-trafficking

Target Group: (Female) survivors of Sex trafficking

Financing: EU-Programm AMIF

Duration: 02/01/2022 - 01/31/2024

Project Objectives:

  • Improvement of integration and employment opportunities for affected women and girls in Italy, Austria, Spain, Latvia, and Lithuania, and reduction of the risk of re-victimization.

  • Development and consolidation of long-term solutions (career pathways) tailored to the experiences of partners and the exchange of best practices for successful integration of individual third-country nationals.

  • Creation of a practical toolkit for practitioners on "tools and methods" to ensure the job placement of third-country nationals.

  • Development of a video tutorial for third-country national survivors of trafficking with a memorandum on rights and obligations and tips for work-family integration.

  • Enhancement of national networks of organizations involved in the integration of third-country nationals in EU member states, particularly in Italy, Austria, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, and Sweden.

  • Promotion of awareness of the actions of the NET-WORKS project at the EU level through targeted dissemination activities that facilitate scalability and replication.

  • Increased awareness at the national and local levels about the risk of re-victimization and the importance of seeking solutions for the long-term integration of third-country nationals.

THE PROJECT IS CO-FINANCED BY THE ASYLUM, MIGRATION, AND INTEGRATION FUND OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION. The content is the sole responsibility of The Justice Project e.V. and can in no way be considered as reflecting the views of the European Union.

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Banner - - Christian Lue

EU logo provided by the European Commission